How to Light a Torch in Sons of the Forest: Master the Art of Illumination

Are you ready to embark on an adventure in the dark, mysterious world of Sons of the Forest? As you delve deeper into the forest,

Marie Blaire

Are you ready to embark on an adventure in the dark, mysterious world of Sons of the Forest? As you delve deeper into the forest, you’ll quickly discover that maintaining a reliable source of light is crucial for survival. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of lighting a torch in Sons of the Forest, ensuring you never find yourself stumbling in the shadows again.

Before we dive into the details, let’s understand the importance of lighting a torch. In this immersive survival game, torches serve as a lifeline, providing both illumination and a sense of security. With a flickering flame in your hand, you can ward off the lurking dangers and navigate through the dense foliage with ease. So, let’s get started and unlock the secrets of lighting a torch in Sons of the Forest!

Gathering the Essential Materials

Exploring the forest, you’ll come across various resources that are vital for lighting a torch. The first step is to gather dry sticks, which can be found scattered throughout the environment. Look for fallen tree branches or wooden debris that can be broken down into smaller, manageable pieces. These dry sticks will serve as the fuel for your torch and will ensure a sustained flame.

In addition to dry sticks, you’ll also need cloth to act as a wick for your torch. Keep an eye out for rags, old clothes, or even curtains that can be torn into strips. These strips of cloth will absorb the fuel and allow the flame to burn steadily without extinguishing quickly.

Lastly, you’ll need a source of fire to ignite your torch. This can be obtained through various means, such as finding a campfire, using a lighter, or even utilizing the sparks from flint and steel. Make sure to have one of these ignition sources ready before proceeding to the next step.

Finding Dry Sticks

To find dry sticks, explore areas with less moisture, such as under tree canopies or near sheltered cliffs. Fallen branches or piles of twigs are often good sources of dry materials. Avoid collecting sticks that appear damp or are covered in moss, as they will be harder to ignite and sustain a flame.

Gathering Suitable Cloth

Look for abandoned structures, like dilapidated houses or sheds, where you may find old clothes or curtains that can be repurposed as torch wicks. Pay attention to any torn fabric you come across during your exploration, as it can be a valuable resource for your torch-making endeavors.

Obtaining an Ignition Source

If you are lucky enough to stumble upon a campfire during your journey, take advantage of it to light your torch. Alternatively, you can carry a lighter in your inventory, ensuring you always have a reliable ignition source. If you prefer a more primitive approach, obtain flint and steel, and practice striking the two together to create sparks that will ignite your torch.

Preparing the Torch

Now that you have gathered the necessary materials, it’s time to prepare your torch. Start by selecting a sturdy stick as the base for your torch. The stick should be long enough to provide a comfortable grip while leaving ample space for the cloth and flame at the top.

Next, take the cloth you gathered earlier and tear it into long strips. Ensure the strips are thin enough to fit through the hole or groove you create at the top of the stick. The cloth should be able to absorb the fuel and burn steadily without causing any safety hazards.

Take one end of a cloth strip and thread it through the hole or groove at the top of the stick. Leave a small tail hanging out to serve as the wick. Repeat this process with additional cloth strips until the top of the stick is covered with cloth, resembling a makeshift torch.

Selecting the Perfect Stick

When selecting a stick for your torch, prioritize durability and length. Look for a stick that feels solid and won’t break easily when held firmly. Additionally, choose a stick that is long enough to keep the flame away from your hands, reducing the risk of burns or accidental extinguishing.

Tearing the Cloth Strips

When tearing the cloth into strips, aim for a width of about one inch. This width allows for efficient absorption of fuel while preventing the cloth from smothering the flame. If you encounter thicker cloth or fabric, consider tearing it into narrower strips to ensure optimal burning conditions.

Threading the Cloth Strips

As you thread the cloth strips through the hole or groove in the stick, make sure they are tightly secured. This will prevent the cloth from unraveling or slipping off during use. Leave a small portion of the cloth strip hanging out to serve as the wick, ensuring it remains exposed for easy ignition.

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Finding a Suitable Ignition Source

With your torch ready, it’s time to find a suitable ignition source to bring it to life. Depending on the resources available, you can choose from various options.

One reliable method is to find an existing campfire. Campfires can be found in designated camping areas or near abandoned campsites. Approach the campfire cautiously, ensuring there are no immediate threats or hostile creatures nearby. Once you are near the campfire, interact with it to light your torch. Hold the torch close to the flames until it ignites, and then remove it from the fire source.

If you don’t have access to a campfire, you can use a lighter as an ignition source. Make sure to have a lighter in your inventory before attempting to light the torch. Holding the torch in one hand, use the lighter to ignite the cloth wick. Move the flame of the lighter towards the cloth until it catches fire. Once the cloth is burning, carefully remove the lighter and hold the torch upright.

For those who prefer a more primitive approach, flint and steel can be used as an ignition source. Hold the torch with one hand and hold the flint in the other. Strike the steel against the flint repeatedly, creating sparks that fall onto the cloth wick. As the sparks make contact with the cloth, it should catch fire. Once the cloth is burning, remove the flint and steel and hold the torch upright.

Using an Existing Campfire

When using an existing campfire, ensure it is safe to approach before lighting your torch. Look out for any surrounding hazards, such as flammable materials or aggressive creatures. Once you have assessed the situation, position your torch close to the flames, allowing the cloth to catch fire. Once ignited, remove the torch from the fire source and hold it upright.

Lighting with a Lighter

If you have a lighter in your inventory, use it to light your torch. Hold the torch with one hand and the lighter with the other. Position the flame of the lighter close to the cloth wick and create a spark. As the cloth catches fire, remove the lighter and hold the torch upright.

Igniting with Flint and Steel

For a more primitive approach, use flint and steel as your ignition source. Hold the torch with one hand and the flint in the other. Strike the steel against the flint repeatedly, creating sparks that fall onto the cloth wick. As the sparks make contact with the cloth, it should catch fire. Once the cloth is burning, remove the flint and steel and hold the torch upright.

Lighting the Torch

Now that you have your materials gathered and an ignition source in hand, it’s time to light your torch. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful ignition:

  1. Hold the torch upright with one hand, making sure to keep a firm grip on the stick to prevent it from slipping.
  2. Position the cloth wick at the top of the torch close to the ignition source.
  3. If using a campfire, hold the torch close to the flames until the cloth catches fire.
  4. If using a lighter, hold the flame near the cloth wick and create a spark to ignite it.
  5. If using flint and steel, strike the steel against the flint to create sparks that fall onto the cloth wick, igniting it.
  6. Once the cloth catches fire, remove the torch from the ignition source, ensuring it remains upright.
  7. Observe the flame to ensure it burns steadily and doesn’t show signs of extinguishing.

Ensuring a Firm Grip

When holding the torch, ensure you have a firm grip on the stick. This will prevent the torch from slipping out of your hand, potentially causing injuries or accidental extinguishing.

Positioning the Cloth Wick

When positioning the cloth wick near the ignition source, make sure it is close enough to catch fire easily. Avoid holding the cloth too far away from the flames, as this can make ignition challenging. However, exercise caution to prevent the entire torch from catching fire during the ignition process.

Observing the Flame

After lighting the torch, observe the flame to ensure it burns steadily and shows no signs of extinguishing. If the flame appears weak or starts flickering excessively, consideradjusting the position of the cloth wick or adding more fuel to sustain the flame. It’s important to maintain a steady flame throughout your journey to maximize visibility and ensure your safety in the dark forest.

Maintaining and Extending Torch Life

Now that your torch is lit, it’s crucial to know how to maintain and extend its life. By implementing effective strategies, you can keep your torch burning for extended periods, allowing you to explore the depths of Sons of the Forest without the fear of being engulfed by darkness.

Conserving Fuel

One of the key aspects of prolonging your torch’s life is fuel conservation. Each torch has a limited amount of fuel, and using it wisely will help you navigate through the forest for longer periods. Here are some tips to conserve fuel:

  • Use your torch only when necessary. In well-lit areas or when you have other light sources, consider extinguishing the torch to save fuel.
  • Avoid leaving the torch lit when not in use. Extinguish the flame whenever you are not actively relying on it for illumination.
  • Move at a steady pace. Running or sprinting consumes more fuel as the flame flickers and burns faster. Walk or jog to conserve fuel and prolong your torch’s life.
  • Utilize alternative light sources when available. If you come across lanterns, glowsticks, or other light-emitting items, make use of them to save your torch’s fuel for more challenging and darker areas.
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Avoiding Dampness

Dampness can quickly extinguish a torch and render it useless. To prevent this from happening, take the following precautions:

  • Avoid exposing your torch to water sources or damp areas. If you need to cross a river or encounter rain, make sure to protect your torch by covering it with a waterproof material or finding alternative light sources until you are in a dry environment.
  • Store your torch in a dry place when not in use. If you have a backpack or storage container, make sure to keep your torch protected and away from moisture.
  • Consider crafting a torch holder or sheath using dry materials. This will help protect your torch from external elements and minimize the risk of dampness.

Utilizing Additional Resources

In the Sons of the Forest, the forest itself can provide additional resources to sustain your torch’s flame. By being resourceful, you can extend the life of your torch when fuel is running low. Here are some ways to utilize additional resources:

  • Look for resinous trees or plants. These often have sap or resin that can be used as a temporary fuel source. Collect some of the sap or resin and apply it to the cloth wick of your torch to keep the flame burning.
  • Find patches of dry moss or dried leaves. These can be used as kindling to reignite your torch or as a supplementary fuel source to extend its life. Crumble the dried moss or leaves and place them near the base of the torch, allowing them to catch fire and provide additional fuel.
  • Search for natural oil sources. Certain plants or fruits may contain oils that can be extracted and used as fuel. Be cautious when handling unfamiliar plants and ensure their oils are safe for combustion before using them in your torch.

Exploring with Confidence

Now that you’ve mastered the art of lighting a torch, it’s time to explore the treacherous depths of the forest with confidence. Equipped with your illuminated companion, you can navigate through the darkness and uncover the secrets that Sons of the Forest holds. Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

Navigating Dark Areas

With your torch in hand, you’ll be able to navigate through the darkest corners of the forest. However, it’s important to plan your route and be aware of potential hazards. Here’s how you can confidently navigate dark areas:

  • Take your time and observe your surroundings. Look for landmarks, unique tree formations, or any other identifying features that can help you navigate through the darkness.
  • Use your torch to scout ahead. Illuminate the path in front of you, checking for any obstacles, hidden paths, or potential dangers. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Stay vigilant and listen for any sounds or movements that might indicate the presence of hostile creatures. Your torch will provide you with some level of security, but it’s important to remain cautious and prepared for encounters.

Uncovering Hidden Secrets

As you explore Sons of the Forest, you’ll come across hidden secrets and mysterious locations. Your torch can assist you in uncovering these secrets and shedding light on the unknown. Here’s how you can make the most of your illuminated journey:

  • Inspect dark corners and hidden alcoves. Use your torch to illuminate these areas and reveal any hidden items, notes, or clues that might further the storyline or provide valuable resources.
  • Look for hidden passages or entrances that may be obscured by shadows. Your torch’s light can help you identify these hidden paths and lead you to new areas of exploration.
  • Pay attention to environmental cues. Sometimes, the game developers may have incorporated subtle visual or audio clues that can only be noticed with proper illumination. Use your torch to uncover these cues and unlock hidden secrets.

Torch Upgrades and Enhancements

As you progress in Sons of the Forest, you’ll have the opportunity to upgrade and enhance your torch, making it an even more powerful tool for survival. These upgrades can extend the torch’s life, increase its brightness, or provide additional functionalities. Here are some of the upgrades you may encounter:

Extended Fuel Capacity

One of the most valuable upgrades you can find is an extended fuel capacity for your torch. This upgrade allows your torch to burn for a longer duration before requiring refueling. With this upgrade, you’ll be able to explore more areas without the constant worry of your torch running out of fuel.

Brighter Flame

Another desirable upgrade is a brighter flame. This enhancement increases the torch’s brightness, improving visibility and making it easier to navigate through particularly dark or foggy areas. With a brighter flame, you’ll have a clearer view of your surroundings, reducing the risk of stumbling upon unexpected hazards.

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Improved Durability

As you face more challenging encounters in Sons of the Forest, having a torch that can withstand the elements becomes crucial. Upgrades that enhance the torch’s durability will ensure it remains intact even during intense battles or when exposed to adverse conditions. With an improved durability, your torch becomes a reliable companion that won’t fail you in critical moments.

Additional Functionality

Some torch upgrades may provide additional functionality beyond illumination. These enhancements can turn your torch into a versatile tool for survival. Here are a few examples:

  • Improved melee capabilities: Certain upgrades may allow you to utilize your torch as a makeshift weapon, providing a source of defense against hostile creatures that lurk in the darkness.
  • Distraction creation: Upgrades that introduce features like smoke or sparks can be used to create distractions, diverting the attention of enemies and giving you an advantage in stealth or combat situations.
  • Trap creation: Advanced torch upgrades may offer the ability to craft makeshift traps using your torch. These traps can immobilize or slow down enemies, giving you an opportunity to escape or launch a counterattack.

Alternative Light Sources

While torches are essential in Sons of the Forest, it’s also helpful to have alternative light sources at your disposal. These sources can serve as backups when your torch runs out of fuel or when you need to conserve its usage. Here are some alternative light sources you can consider:


Lanterns are portable light sources that provide a steady and reliable stream of light. They often have longer-lasting fuel reserves compared to torches, allowing you to explore for extended periods. Look out for lanterns during your journey and collect them as a backup light source.


Glowsticks are small, lightweight, and easy to carry. They emit a soft glow, providing ambient light in dark areas. While not as bright as a torch or a lantern, glowsticks can be useful for conserving your primary light source or for marking paths or points of interest.


Flares are temporary light sources that emit a bright and intense light. They can be used to illuminate large areas or to signal for help in case of emergencies. Keep a few flares in your inventory for situations where you need a burst of intense light to navigate through challenging environments.

Advanced Torch Techniques

For those seeking an extra edge in Sons of the Forest, advanced torch techniques can elevate your gameplay and provide strategic advantages. These techniques involve using your torch in innovative ways beyond simple illumination. Here are some advanced torch techniques you can experiment with:

Using the Torch as a Weapon

Your torch can double as a makeshiftweapon in desperate situations. While it may not be as effective as dedicated weapons, it can still provide a means of defense against hostile creatures. Here’s how you can use your torch as a weapon:

  • Swing the torch at enemies: When confronted by a hostile creature, use your torch to deliver swift swings and strikes. Aim for vulnerable areas or sensitive body parts to maximize the impact.
  • Set enemies on fire: If your torch has an extended fuel capacity or additional fuel sources, you can try to set enemies on fire by making contact with the flame. This can cause damage over time and disorient your opponents.
  • Combine with other items: Experiment with combining your torch with other items or materials found in the environment. For example, you can attach sharp objects to the end of your torch to create a makeshift spear-like weapon.

Creating Distractions

Your torch can be a valuable tool for creating distractions, diverting the attention of enemies and providing opportunities for stealth or escape. Here are some ways you can use your torch to create distractions:

  • Throw the torch: Tossing your lit torch in a different direction can attract the attention of enemies, allowing you to slip away unnoticed or launch a surprise attack from a different angle.
  • Light up flammable objects: Use your torch to ignite flammable objects in the environment, such as piles of leaves or oil spills. The resulting fire can serve as a distraction and draw enemies away from your intended path.
  • Combine with sound distractions: Pair the illumination of your torch with sound distractions, such as throwing rocks or creating loud noises. The combination of light and sound can create a more convincing diversion.

Crafting Makeshift Traps

Your torch can also be utilized to craft makeshift traps, providing additional layers of defense and strategic advantages. Here are some trap ideas that incorporate your torch:

  • Fire traps: Position your torch near flammable objects or structures to create potential fire hazards for enemies. When triggered, these traps can engulf adversaries in flames, buying you precious time to escape or launch a counterattack.
  • Smoke traps: Use your torch to ignite materials that produce thick smoke when burned, such as certain plants or dried moss. This can create a smokescreen, obscuring the vision of enemies and allowing you to maneuver undetected.
  • Tripwire traps: Combine your torch with tripwires made from sturdy materials to create traps that activate when enemies stumble into them. Use your torch to ignite the triggering mechanism, such as a flammable substance or explosive material.


With our comprehensive guide on how to light a torch in Sons of the Forest, you are now equipped with the knowledge to navigate the darkness and conquer any challenges that come your way. By gathering the necessary materials, preparing the torch, finding a suitable ignition source, and lighting the torch correctly, you ensure a reliable source of light in the treacherous forest.

Additionally, by learning how to maintain and extend your torch’s life, exploring with confidence, utilizing upgrades and alternative light sources, and employing advanced torch techniques, you can maximize the effectiveness of your torch and enhance your survival skills in Sons of the Forest.

Remember, in the face of darkness, the flame becomes your ally. Embrace the thrilling adventure that awaits in the depths of the forest, and may your lit torch guide you safely through the shadows.

Marie Blaire Igniting Minds, One Moment at a Time!

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