How to Close a Tommy Bahama Beach Chair: The Ultimate Guide to Folding and Storing

Tommy Bahama beach chairs are a popular choice for beachgoers, thanks to their comfort and durability. But when it’s time to pack up and head

Marie Blaire

Tommy Bahama beach chairs are a popular choice for beachgoers, thanks to their comfort and durability. But when it’s time to pack up and head home, closing these chairs can sometimes be a challenge. If you’re struggling to figure out the best way to fold and store your Tommy Bahama beach chair, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of closing a Tommy Bahama beach chair, ensuring that you can do it effortlessly every time.

Whether you’re a seasoned beach enthusiast or a first-time beachgoer, learning how to close a Tommy Bahama beach chair is essential for hassle-free trips. By following our instructions and tips, you’ll be able to fold and store your beach chair with ease, saving time and avoiding any potential frustrations. So, let’s dive in and discover the best techniques to close your Tommy Bahama beach chair!

Understanding the Chair’s Design

Before we delve into the folding process, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the design of a Tommy Bahama beach chair. Understanding the different components and how they work together will make it easier to fold the chair effectively.

Backrest and Seat

The Tommy Bahama beach chair typically features an adjustable backrest that allows you to find your desired reclining position. The seat is made of durable fabric that provides comfort for long hours at the beach. Take a moment to examine the backrest and seat of your chair, noting how they are connected and the mechanisms that allow for adjustment.

Armrests and Cup Holder

Most Tommy Bahama beach chairs come equipped with convenient armrests and a built-in cup holder. These features add to the overall comfort and functionality of the chair. Familiarize yourself with the armrests and cup holder, noting how they can be folded or adjusted.

Leg Rest and Footrest

Some Tommy Bahama beach chairs have an adjustable leg rest or footrest, allowing you to elevate your legs for added relaxation. Take note of how the leg rest operates and how it can be folded or secured when closing the chair.

By understanding the design of your Tommy Bahama beach chair, you’ll have a better grasp of how it functions when it comes time to close it. This knowledge will make the folding process smoother and more efficient.

Clearing the Chair of Personal Items

Prior to closing your Tommy Bahama beach chair, it’s crucial to remove any personal items or accessories you may have placed on or inside it. Clearing the chair ensures that you don’t accidentally leave behind any valuables or lose small items during the folding process.

Removing Towels and Blankets

If you’ve been using towels or blankets on your beach chair, carefully remove them and shake off any sand or debris. Fold the towels or blankets neatly and set them aside for packing later.

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Emptying the Pockets

Many Tommy Bahama beach chairs have convenient pockets for storing essentials such as sunscreen, sunglasses, or small personal items. Take a moment to empty these pockets, ensuring that nothing is left behind. Check thoroughly to avoid losing any valuable items.

Detaching Accessories

If your Tommy Bahama beach chair has detachable accessories, such as a cooler or umbrella holder, remove them before closing the chair. Detaching these accessories will make the folding process easier and prevent any damage to them.

By clearing your Tommy Bahama beach chair of personal items, you’ll have a clean slate for folding. This step helps prevent any unnecessary complications and ensures that you don’t lose or damage your belongings during the process.

Collapsing the Backrest

The backrest of a Tommy Bahama beach chair is adjustable, allowing you to find your desired reclining position. However, when it comes to folding the chair, the backrest needs to be collapsed. Follow these steps to collapse the backrest:

Step 1: Locate the Adjustment Mechanism

Look for the adjustment mechanism that allows you to change the angle of the backrest. This mechanism can usually be found on the sides or back of the chair.

Step 2: Release the Locking Mechanism

Depending on the model of your chair, there may be a locking mechanism that keeps the backrest in place. Locate this mechanism and release it to allow for adjustment.

Step 3: Lower the Backrest

Gently lower the backrest of the chair until it is fully collapsed. Some chairs may have multiple positions, so make sure to lower it completely for folding.

Step 4: Lock the Backrest in Place

Once the backrest is fully collapsed, look for a locking mechanism or latch that will hold it in place. Engage this mechanism to secure the backrest.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to collapse the backrest of your Tommy Bahama beach chair with ease. This prepares the chair for the next stage of folding and ensures a compact and secure closure.

Folding the Seat and Leg Rest

With the backrest collapsed, it’s time to fold the seat and leg rest of your Tommy Bahama beach chair. Follow these steps to complete this stage of the folding process:

Step 1: Flatten the Seat

Take hold of the seat fabric and gently flatten it against the frame of the chair. Smooth out any wrinkles or folds to ensure a neat and compact fold.

Step 2: Fold the Leg Rest

If your Tommy Bahama beach chair has an adjustable leg rest, locate the mechanism that allows for adjustment. Fold the leg rest back into its original position, aligning it with the seat of the chair.

Step 3: Secure the Leg Rest

Some beach chairs have a locking mechanism that keeps the leg rest in place when it’s folded. Engage this mechanism to secure the leg rest and prevent it from unfolding during transport.

Step 4: Check for Stability

Once the seat and leg rest are folded, give the chair a gentle shake to ensure that everything is secure. Check for any loose parts or potential areas of instability that may need further adjustment.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to fold the seat and leg rest of your Tommy Bahama beach chair, ensuring a compact and secure closure. This prepares the chair for easy transportation and storage.

Securing the Chair with Attached Straps

Many Tommy Bahama beach chairs come equipped with attached straps that serve the purpose of holding the chair in its folded position. These straps are designed to ensure that the chair remains compact and easy to carry. Follow these steps to secure your chair with the attached straps:

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Step 1: Locate the Straps

Check your chair for attached straps, which are usually located near the top or bottom of the folded chair. These straps may be made of fabric or have a buckle mechanism.

Step 2: Thread the Straps

If your chair has fabric straps, insert one strap through the other to create a loop. If your chair has buckle straps, thread one strap through the buckle of the other strap.

Step 3: Tighten the Straps

Pull the straps tight to secure the chair in its folded position. Make sure the straps are snug but not overly tight, as this could potentially damage the chair.

Step 4: Double-Check the Security

Give the chair a gentle shake to ensure that it remains securely closed. Check that the straps are holding the chair in place and that there are no signs of movement or instability.

By utilizing the attached straps on your Tommy Bahama beach chair, you’ll ensure a secure and compact closure. This makes the chair easier to transport and helps prevent any accidental unfolding during transit.

Storing the Chair in a Car or Bag

Knowing how to store your folded Tommy Bahama beach chair is crucial, especially when it comes to transportation. Proper storage ensures that the chair remains protected and easily accessible. Follow these tips for storing your chair in a car or bag:

Car Trunk Storage

If you’re storing your Tommy Bahama beach chair in a car trunk, consider the following tips:


Place the folded chair in a flat position, avoiding any sharp angles or bends that could potentially damage the chair. Position it in a way that maximizes space in the trunk and prevents it from shifting during travel.

Securing the Chair

Use bungee cords or straps to secure the chair in place, preventing it from sliding or moving around while driving. This will help protect the chair from potential damage.

Protection from Other Items

If you have other items in your trunk, consider placing a protective barrier, such as a blanket or towel, between the chair and any hard or sharp objects. This willprovide an extra layer of protection against scratches or dents.

Beach Bag Storage

If you’re storing your Tommy Bahama beach chair in a beach bag, follow these tips:

Choosing the Right Bag

Ensure that your beach bag is large enough to accommodate the folded chair without excessive squeezing or bending. Look for a bag with sturdy handles and durable fabric to support the weight of the chair.

Positioning the Chair

Place the folded chair in the bag with the seat facing down. This will help protect the fabric and prevent any potential damage from external elements.

Additional Packing Space

If there’s extra space in the bag, utilize it by packing other beach essentials such as towels, sunscreen, or snacks. This will optimize the use of space and make your beach bag more efficient.

Closing the Bag

Once the chair and other items are packed, securely close the bag using zippers, buttons, or any other closures available. Check that the bag is properly sealed to prevent any items from falling out during transportation.

By following these tips for storing your Tommy Bahama beach chair in a car trunk or bag, you’ll ensure that it remains protected and easily accessible. This allows for convenient transportation and sets you up for a stress-free beach experience.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Beach Chair

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for prolonging the lifespan of your Tommy Bahama beach chair. Regular care will keep it in top shape, ensuring that it remains a reliable companion for many beach trips to come. Follow these tips to clean and maintain your beach chair:

Regular Cleaning

After each use, take a moment to wipe down your beach chair with a damp cloth or sponge. This will remove any sand, dirt, or sunscreen residue that may have accumulated. Pay special attention to the seat fabric, armrests, and other areas prone to soiling.

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Deep Cleaning

For a more thorough cleaning, mix a mild detergent with warm water and use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the chair gently. Rinse with clean water and allow it to air dry completely before folding and storing it.

Removing Stains

If your beach chair has stubborn stains, you can try spot cleaning with a specialized fabric cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. Apply the cleaner to a cloth and gently blot the stained area until the stain is lifted. Rinse the area with clean water and allow it to dry.

Preventing Mold and Mildew

To prevent the growth of mold and mildew, make sure your Tommy Bahama beach chair is fully dry before folding and storing it. If the chair gets wet during use, allow it to air dry in a well-ventilated area before packing it away.

Inspecting for Damage

Regularly inspect your beach chair for any signs of damage, such as loose screws, ripped fabric, or bent frames. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the chair remains safe and comfortable to use.

Storing in a Dry Area

When not in use, store your Tommy Bahama beach chair in a dry area, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This will help preserve the integrity of the materials and prevent any potential damage or fading.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you’ll be able to keep your Tommy Bahama beach chair in excellent condition. Regular care and attention will ensure its longevity, allowing you to enjoy many more beach adventures.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful handling, you may encounter some common issues when closing your Tommy Bahama beach chair. Here are some potential problems and simple solutions to overcome them:

Difficulty Collapsing the Backrest

If you’re having trouble collapsing the backrest, check if the locking mechanism is engaged properly. Make sure all latches are released and try applying gentle pressure while collapsing the backrest.

Seat Fabric Getting Stuck

If the seat fabric is getting stuck or not folding smoothly, check for any obstructions such as sand or debris. Clear the seat of any foreign objects and try folding again.

Straps Not Securing Properly

If the attached straps are not securing the chair tightly, ensure that they are threaded correctly and tighten them further. If the straps are worn or damaged, consider replacing them with new ones for a more secure closure.

Leg Rest Not Folding Flush

If the leg rest is not folding flush with the seat, check for any obstacles or misalignments. Adjust the leg rest and make sure it is properly locked in place before attempting to fold the chair.

Chair Not Staying Folded

If your Tommy Bahama beach chair keeps unfolding during transport, double-check that all locking mechanisms are engaged and the attached straps are tightened securely. If the issue persists, consider using additional securing methods such as bungee cords or a luggage strap.

By troubleshooting these common issues, you’ll be able to overcome any challenges you may encounter when closing your Tommy Bahama beach chair. These simple solutions will ensure a smooth and frustration-free folding process.

Exploring Additional Folding Techniques

While we have covered the standard folding process for Tommy Bahama beach chairs, there are alternative folding techniques that may work better for your specific needs. Here are a few additional techniques to consider:

Rolling Method

If you prefer a more compact and space-saving fold, try the rolling method. Start by collapsing the backrest, then roll the chair tightly from one side to the other, securing it with attached straps or bungee cords.

Half-Fold Method

The half-fold method is ideal when you need quick access to the chair without fully unfolding it. Collapse the backrest and fold the seat in half, securing it with attached straps. This allows you to easily carry the chair and set it up partially when needed.

Customized Folding

Experiment with different folding techniques to find a method that works best for you. Some beachgoers prefer folding their Tommy Bahama beach chair in a way that suits their storage space or personal preferences. As long as the chair is compact, secure, and easy to transport, feel free to customize the folding technique to your liking.

By exploring these additional folding techniques, you can find the method that best suits your needs and preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the most convenient way to close your Tommy Bahama beach chair.

Closing a Tommy Bahama beach chair doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following our comprehensive guide, you’ll become proficient in folding and storing your beach chair with ease. Remember to always familiarize yourself with the chair’s design, clear it of personal items, and follow each step carefully. With practice, closing your Tommy Bahama beach chair will become second nature, allowing you to focus on enjoying your beach adventures to the fullest!

So, the next time you head to the beach, be confident in your ability to close your Tommy Bahama beach chair effortlessly, making the end of your beach day a breeze.

Marie Blaire Igniting Minds, One Moment at a Time!

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